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Home » Top 7 types of fastest growing houseplants for your indoor spaces

Top 7 types of fastest growing houseplants for your indoor spaces

if you are a grumpy indoor gardener who wants instant satisfaction from your houseplants. Definitely, you want quick results from your plants. There are many houseplants that can grow quickly and give instant satisfaction. if you have a slow-growing indoor plant. There is no matter how much you care for them, they will not grow faster. In this case, all the effort you put into your plants to ensure that they can show rapid growth will be wasted. So you should select the fastest growing houseplants that grow rapidly.

Lets introduce with these rapid growing houseplants

The following list highlights the 7 fastest-growing houseplants. These plants have been shown to thrive indoors, even under less than ideal conditions. Some are able to grow upwards or spread outwards, while others grow sideways. However, all are rewarded with rapid growth. Here’s a listing of some of the attractive and quickly growing indoor plants! 

  1. Pothos 
  2. Maidenhair Ferns
  3. Jade Plant
  4. Velvet Plant
  5. Ficus
  6. Dumb Cane
  7. Cordyline      
coleus houseplants

1. Pothos

pothos houseplants

Botanical Name: Epipremnum aureum              Pothos is likely one of the fastest growing and easiest to grow houseplants. These houseplants have heart-shaped leaves. Leaves are variegated, sprinkled with white, yellow, and different shades of green. You can have it in the hanging bins or train it over lattices. Furthermore, it purifies the air and removes Pollutant like formaldehyde, trichloroethene, toluene, xylene, and benzene from the air. Pothos is very much adaptable. It performs well in bright and indirect light. Examine its soil before watering, if the top 50% area of soil is dry. It is the right time to add water to pothos.

2. Maidenhair Fern fastest growing houseplants

fastest growing maidenhair fern indoor plants

Botanical Name: Adiantum                        Maidenhair ferns are hard to care for, but these are the fastest-growing houseplants. this particular greenery is a show-stopper with regard to fancy magnificence or ornamental beauty! Fronds of this type of fern are palm-shaped and 1 to 2 feet tall. The small and lavish green fronds are sensitive and have a lace-like appearance. An adequate amount of morning and afternoon sunlight is the best for Maidenhair fern. Direct sunlight can burn its leaves. It requires water regularly and loves to grow in foresty, humus-rich soil.

3. Jade Plant fastest growing succulent houseplants

jade indoor plants

Botanical Name: Crassula ovata
There aren’t numerous succulents that develop quickly, which isn’t true with jade! The thick, plump leaves are oval-molded and look astounding on woody stems. As the plant develops, it begins to seem like a scaled-down tree and can develop to a height of 4-5 feet. It has a long life expectancy and is accepted to bring favorable luck! Jade plants should be kept in at least 6 hours of bright light every day. It needs moist soil, but not wet. More water can become a cause of root rotting.

4. Velvet Plant

fastest growing velvet houseplants

Botanical Name: Gynura aurantiaca
The most distinctive feature of this popular houseplant is the soft velvety purple leaves that make it really stand out! Leaves of this houseplant are soft because of the fine hair in purple color. it is a lover of moist soil, but it is vulnerable to root rot. It also has fascinating blooms in orange color, and has a strange scent! Velvet plants are the fastest growing and evergreen houseplants. Blossoms (Flowers) of these fastest growing houseplants are orange and yellow in color. These houseplants require moist but well-drained soil to grow faster.

5. Ficus Plant another fastest growing houseplants

quickly growing ficus houseplants

Botanical Name: Ficus
A large number of species can be great houseplants that belong to the Ficus genus. Ficus is a genus of ornamental plants and it can range from shrubs to trailing vines. It doesn’t matter if it’s a renowned rubber tree or an interior designer’s favorite fiddle leaf fig, all have a rapid growth rate. Ficus comes on the list of fastest growing houseplants. These are very popular fastest growing houseplants for homes, offices, hotels and different indoor spaces. This houseplant has glossy leaves and dropping branches. Ficus requires rich fertilized and well-draining soil.

6. Dumb Cane rapid growing houseplants

Dumb cane houseplants
Botanical Name: Dieffenbachia The massive leaves of fastest growing dumb cane houseplants make an eye-catching display! It can grow to 5 to 6 feet and is also known as Leopard Lily. its bright green leaves are covered with white and yellow colors. These rapid-growing houseplants are poisonous to pets. So, keep them from from pets and kids! Dumb cane can thrive in any type of light conditions but keep it away from direct sunlight. These plants require moist but not soggy and well-drained soil.

7. Cordyline quickly growing houseplants

Cordyline terminalis indoor plant

Botanical name: Cordyline terminalis
It makes an excellent display with its spikey, long leaves. The Cordyline plant appears with leathery leaves in a variety of green, red, yellow, white, purple, and purplish-red colors. These are the fastest growing houseplants and are native to Pacific Islands, Southeast Asia. The leaves, which are long and broad, are laid out in a spiral, spreading out from the middle. Also, it is known as the Hawaiian Ti plant or luck-giving plant. This plant blooms in the summer. Cordyline requires well-drained and well-drained potting soil of high quality.


Yes, Dumb Cane houseplants are poisonous. They ca harm your pets. Keep your pets and kids far from Dumb cane plant.

Dumb Cane plant have lots of benefits. Some of them are as follows

  • Improves quality of indoor air.
  • Absorb CO2. 
  •  Low Light Plant.
  • Easy to Maintain.
  •  Big Foliage Plant.
  •  Beauty. …
  • It’s a Great Medicinal Plant.

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