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about plantozeal

Who we are

Plantozeal is a  plant blog. As everyone know the air quality decreasing day by day across all over the world. So we should think about this serious condition. It is everyone’s responsibility to take a stand about increasing air quality.

We should take a positive stand for it. Everyone can contribute in this movement by growing or growing plants. You can grow plants everywhere i.e. indoor or outdoors. There is no one who doesn’t  want to grow plants. But most of the time they get confused to choose the right plants or different types of environment. Now we are here to help you. Lets grow the plants with plantozeal and improve our natural enviornment.

What you can find here

In this Blog, you can find everything about growing or propagating plants. we will help you to choose best and right plant to your garden or indoor. According to the environment conditions you can grow different plants. You can explore here popular houseplants, plants for all type seasons, best houseplants for low humidity conditions, Beyond that you can learn the  best tips to grow the different types of houseplants.

plantozeal team is continuously deployed to get research done. So that we bring best and reliable information about plants. We like to make you happy by making you surrounded by Greenery of your choice.