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Fall In Love With houseplant with heart shaped leaves

houseplants with heart shaped leaves

Everyone wants to add a  gorgeous houseplant to their indoor plants collection.. There are many kinds of beautiful houseplant, but among them heart shaped indoor plants are lovable to everyone. I never found an individual who doesn’t love the shape of a heart. Houseplant with heart shaped  leaves are the best option for indoor gardens. They give stunning look to your home garden. The houseplant with heart shaped foliage and houseplant with colorful leaves can be a perfect gift to your special one. houseplant with heart shaped leaves

Choose these best 9 houseplant with heart shaped leaves

Many houseplant with heart shaped leaves are there. so choosing best among them is a little bit  difficult process. To choose the best houseplant with heart shaped  foliage read full article here. Get the list of houseplants and enjoy their gorgeous presence in your indoor garden.                        

Check the list of houseplant with heart shaped foliage below.

  1. Devil’s Ivy
  2. Arrowhead Plant
  3. Anthurium
  4. Sweetheart Hoya
  5. Flowering Cyclamen
  6. Strings of Hearts
  7. heartleaf Philodendron
  8. Heart Leaf Fern
  9. grazielae Philodendron
houseplants with large leaves

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1. Devil's Ivy Indoor plant with heart shaped leaves

Devil's ivy houseplant with heart shaped leaves

scientific name: Epipremnum aureum        Pothos is one of the best low-maintenance houseplant with heart shaped leaves. It is usually grown as a houseplant. It has beautiful heart-shaped leaves that can easily be grown in pots. Devil’s ivy is also known as  Money Plant and Golden pothos. There are many varieties of this houseplant with heart shaped foliage. Money plants are low maintenance, easy to grow, and most importantly, it has been scientifically proven that they are excellent air purifiers. In addition to formaldehyde and xylene, it can also remove benzene.

2. Arrowhead Plant

arrowhead plant houseplant with heart shaped leaves

Scientific Name: Syngonium Podophyllum
The arrowhead is not exactly the houseplant  with heart shaped leaves , but the leaves have a similar shape. Indoors, grow arrowhead plants in pots and hanging baskets. Keep them out of direct sunlight and avoid overwatering them.
Typically, young Arrowhead Plants are identified by their upright clusters of stems. As the Arrowhead grows, it produces larger leaves and trailing or climbing stems. This plant performs well in medium to bright light. It can tolerate low light, but not intense or direct sunlight.

3. Anthurium a beautiful houseplant with heart shaped leaves

anthurium houseplant with heart shaped leaves

Scientific Name: Anthurium andraeanum
Its brightly colored modified leaves are mistaken for blossoms. The spathaceous bracts are a striking shade of red resembling waxy and heart-shaped in appearance. It thrives best in partial shade, receiving bright indirect sunlight during the day. Anthuriums are a favorite houseplant with heart shaped leaves among gardeners due to their leaves and bright red blooms. They also come in pink, white, and even purple varieties. Otherwise, they only need a little water whenever the soil feels dry, and they’ll eventually grow about two feet tall.

4. Sweetheart Hoya a lovable houseplant with heart shaped leaves

sweetheart hoya houseplant with heart shaped leaves

Scientific Name: Hoya kerrii Craib
A gorgeous houseplant with heart shaped leaves is also used as a decorative piece in home. This plant has succulent leaves that resemble hearts. Despite being a milkweed species, it shares the same growing requirements as succulents.
Due to its shape, sweetheart hoya (Hoya kerrii) is a popular gift around Valentine’s Day. You’ll usually find single heart-shaped leaves in pots, but sweetheart hoya eventually grows into a vine covered in green hearts that will look especially eye-catching draped over a hanging basket. It grows best in bright indirect light and doesn’t require much water.

5. Flowering Cyclamen

flowering cyclamen a houseplant with heart shaped leaves

Scientific name: Cyclamen persicum
Cyclamen is a houseplant with heart shaped beautiful foliage and flowers. Potted cyclamen is just as colorful as a bouquet of roses. So it is a perfect valentine’s gift also. In addition to deep rose-red and blushing pink flowers, there are also varieties in pure white. Even sweeter, the plant’s pretty green-and-silver leaves are shaped like hearts. Cyclamen likes bright, indirect light and a little water whenever the top inch of soil starts to dry out. Usually, cyclamen stay on the small side, but they can grow to nearly a foot tall.

6. Strings of hearts

houseplant with heart shaped leaves in a beautiful white pot

Botanical Name: Ceropegia linearis
Its purple stems and semi-succulent vine create a beautiful display when it hangs from the pot.
A string of hearts is a houseplant with heart-shaped leaves and has trailing stems dotted with small, heart-shaped leaves. They are typically green and silver, but can sometimes have a touch of pink. If you want your vine to grow up to three feet in length, place it in a south-facing window, so it can get plenty of sunlight. The string of hearts is not succulent, but it is extremely drought-tolerant, so give water when the soil is completely dry.

7. Heartleaf Philodendron

heartleaf philodendron houseplants with heartshaped leaves

 Scientific name: Philodendron hederaceum
The heartleaf philodendron is an easy-to-grow, low-care houseplant with heart shaped leaves. You can grow it in your office or home for the year-round show of heart-shaped leaves. Place this plant in a partially or deeply shaded portion that is bright and gets indirect sunlight for a few hours each day. The last heart on our list! This easy-to-grow philodendron (Philodendron hederaceum) does well wherever you plant it. The heart-shaped leaves create a dense canopy in a pot or a stunning climber when inserted into a wooden pole. Place in partial shade and away from direct sunlight. 

8. Heart Leaf Fern

heart leaf fern houseplant with heart shaped leaves

Scientific Name: Hemionitis arifolia
Heart Leaf Ferns is a beautiful houseplant with heart shaped foliage. This types of fern houseplants should be grown in a small, creative container in a bright, shady spot with slightly moist soil. Heart ferns are native to tropical regions of Southeast Asia. Dark green, heart-shaped leaves of this plant require plenty of humidity to thrive, so mist it a few times a day or place it in a humid room. Alternatively, keep the soil moist and keep it in indirect light. Most heart ferns are less than a foot tall, with leaves growing to about 2-3 inches long 

9. Grazielae Philodendron

Houseplant with heartshaped leaves

It has thick, beefy stems that produce glossy, medium-green leaves that look like raindrops of hearts. This houseplant with glossy heart shaped leaves grows in a dense form, giving it a very unique appearance. This plant does well in bright and indirect sunlight. It grows very slowly as well. This plant grows to a maximum of a few feet in height.
Typically, young Arrowhead Plants are identified by their upright clusters of stems. As the Arrowhead grows, it produces larger leaves and trailing or climbing stems.

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